Full list of Judges for Championship Shows 2024
Championship Shows; Judges 2023
Only Shows with CC’s on offer for Beagles are included in this list
January 7th Manchester Dog Show Society Mr F Borg
March 11th Crufts Mr D Craig
April 8th Hound Association of Scotland Mr E Murray*
April 28th WELKS Mr N Wright
April 30th Devon, Cornwall & S.W. Beagle Society Miss E Thornton
May 6th Birmingham Dog Show Society Mr J Horswell
May 20th Scottish Kennel Club Mr R Moreland*
May 28th Bath Canine Society Mr K R Andrew*
June 1st Southern Counties Canine Society Mrs K Simkin
June 10th Three Counties Agricultural Society Mrs M Kingsland
June 11th Beagle Club Dogs:- Mr E Dziuk
Bitches:- Mr Volosshin
June 17th Border Union Agricultural Society Mr R Henningsson-Dundas
June 18th Scottish Beagle Club Mrs S Kimber
June 24th Blackpool District Canine Society Mr K Wilberg
July 2nd Windsor Dog Show Society Mrs C Lewis
July 8th Beagle Association Mrs M Hunt
July 9th East of England Agricultural Society Mr D Roberts
July 15th Hound Association Mrs G Ford*
July 28th Leeds City District Canine Association Miss K Theobald
August 6th Paignton District Fanciers Association Miss M White
August 12th Bournemouth Canine Society Mr M Sanders
August 18th Welsh Kennel Club Mrs R Barney*
August 25th Driffield Agricultural Society Mr S Jepson
August 27th Northern Midland Counties Beagle Club Mrs M Henningsson Dundas
September 1st City of Birmingham Canine Society Mrs N Peterson
September 10th Richmond Dog Show Society Mrs G Kemp
September 16th Darlington Dog Show Society Mrs M Caney
September 16th Four Counties Beagle Club Mrs N Firth
September 24th Belfast Dog Show Society - ?
September 24th Welsh Beagle Club Miss A Phillips
October 1st Scottish Kennel Club Mrs C Ayres-Cousins
October 13th South Wales KennelAssociation Mrs L Bailey
October 28th Midland Counties Canine Society Mr D Fellows
November 5th West Mercia Beagle Club Mrs K Nash
December 8th Ladies Kennel Association Mr L Mitchell
* = First time awarding CC’s in the Breed in the U.K.
These dates and judges were correct at time of printing, please check schedules for any changes.